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The Revelation 13 earth beast, representing the United States, is projected to gain global power and give loyal support to the Vatican sea beast’s geopolitical initiatives. The Bible predicts that this earth beast will undermine religious freedom and become a negative force against conservative Christians. That oppression has begun.
Morphing into Tyranny
In the recent past, left-leaning American politicians began to clamor for a unipolar world order under U.S. leadership.[1] Bible students see that geopolitical drive occurring as it makes international coalitions and a unique bond with the papacy. The earth beast will control many world decisions at the end, even over life and death (Revelation 13)! This burgeoning reality advanced when Pope Francis played a central role at the recent (June 2024) G7 meetings. Earth’s final period of time Daniel calls the “appointed time.”
In 1992 Joseph Biden published an article, “How I Learned to love the New World Order.”
- He envisioned a smooth transition into American global dominance.
- Then powerful organizations emerged, slowing his dream: NATO, the World Bank, the IMF, the World Trade Organization, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the Shanghai Corporation Organization, the National Endowment for Democracy, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Eurasian and Latin America blocs, the Eurasian Economic Union, and BRICS.
Could these all unify in some “grand alliance,” fulfilling Biden’s hopes?
Scholars Matthew Ehret and Edward Lozansky of the American University in Moscow observed, “Perhaps the ‘End of History’ was always an illusion.” However, in light of these powerful agencies, they suggested governments will promote a “new win-win civilization” “where all nations on this planet enjoy real equality and justice”[2] (i.e., a peaceful new world order).
In another fascinating unified power called a “beast” with its associated rider, a “harlot” (Revelation 17) (unified symbols for the Holy See, a state and church – Revelation 17:9), it is projected that even the world will give its allegiance to this Rome-based power as part of its global alliance.
- “I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: … With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication” (Revelation 17:1b-2). The world Is infatuated with this power and its beliefs.
- “The dragon gave him [the beast with the harlot sitting on it] his power, and his seat, and great authority…. and all the world wondered after the beast…. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?” (Revelation 13:2b, 3b, 4).
- Then that earth beast, a companion to the Holy See in tyranny, emerges and “exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed” (Revelation 13:12).
Weakening of the Earth Beast
Long the freest and most prosperous, powerful, altruistic, and Judeo-Christian nation, the United States is on the brink of morphing into a demonically controlled nation – a characteristic of the Biblical earth beast.
- Progressive politicians now overwhelmingly favor late-term abortion, up to the moment of birth – “infanticide.”
- They encourage children who are too young to vote or drive to have their breasts removed or male organs amputated. Gender transition is delusional and impossible. Those, however, having this surgery experience a high rate of depression and suicide. That has not slowed this political insanity.
- They support destruction of women’s athletics worldwide, allowing men, claiming the female gender, to compete with women. They permit females to be raped in prison by male inmates who claim to be trans-women.
At the same time, mentally compromised President Biden has overseen the destruction of this country’s economy, military, energy sector, law enforcement, election integrity, national security, and Constitution.[3]
Stunningly and blatantly a lie, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer formally announced that “Biden’s mental acuity is great.” Cognitive decline rumors are simply “rightwing propaganda.”[4]
Culturally, why have so many American young people sided with genocidal Hamas while condemning Israel as the murderous aggressors? Yet the Jewish people recently suffered the greatest one-day massacre since the Nazi Holocaust. Organized antisemitic demonstrators on university and college campuses have disrupted classes, graduations, and guest speakers, and destroyed campus property in support of those terrorists. Yet that Hamas attack on Israel saw:
- Women gang rapped to death
- Babies roasted alive in their parents’ ovens
- Children’s heads cut off in front of parents[5]
A satanic power, foreign to God’s love and mercy, has infiltrated and is increasingly controlling the minds of a vast swath of American young people, as well as politicians, who envision further violence on the Jews. They are utterly devoid of compassion. Allegiance to Judeo-Christian thinking is withering.
A Final Battle?
Trump recently said, “America faces its final battle.” Intriguingly, Democrat Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz had just released a book, The Final Battle. He quoted Franklin Graham: “We’re about to lose this country,” and veteran commentator Cal Thomas … [predicting] there were [obvious] contributing factors suggesting a collapse of this nation. Two of America’s top commentators, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly agree, adding, “Biden is in the biggest presidential scandal in U.S. history.” – weakening the fabric of this nation.
Journalist Tomezak states, “I agree, darkness is descending on America.”
We are warned to avoid saying, “Everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation” (II Peter 3:4). God is patient, “not wanting anyone to perish” (vs 9). But the time will come, must come, when His dealings with humanity will change. The Bible is clear – there will be an “end.” That appears objectively close.
Franklin Graham additionally shared in a nationally televised interview with Christian commentator Greta Van Susteren “that radical progressives are aggressively working to ‘inflict enough political wounds on Mr. Trump to stop him from running because the left is scared to death of him and what he’s trying to do.… If he’s reelected president, he’ll throw a monkey wrench into their agenda for a one world government. … It’s an all-out effort as sinister and dangerous to America as 9/11.’”[6]
Benjamin Franklin said that we now have “a republic – if you can keep it.”[7] That mandates the maintenance of Judeo-Christian ideals.
Arnold Joseph Toynbee notes: “Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now.”[8]
In his monumental historical work, taking twenty years to complete, Edward Gibbon describes the five main reasons that the Roman Empire collapsed.
- First: The rapid increase of divorce, with the undermining of the sanctity of the home, the basis of society.
- Second: Higher and higher taxes with increased costs for food and governmental indulgence in entertainment “circuses.”
- Third: The mad craze for pleasure, sports which became more exciting and brutal annually.
- Fourth: The building of gigantic armies to fight external enemies, when the most deadly enemy, the decadence of the people, lay within.
- Fifth: The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, and becoming impotent to guide it.[9]
America is at a defining moment. The sands in an hourglass of its pristine republic are running out, especially with the above fifth reason. Vladimir Lenin was the first head of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917 to 1924. He said in 1913:
“Every religious idea, every idea of God, even flirting with the idea of God, is unutterable vileness … of the most dangerous kind, contagion of the most abominable kind. Millions of sins, filthy deeds, acts of violence and physical contagions … are far less dangerous than the subtle, spiritual idea of God.” Today, the behavior of many American leaders mimic this hatred for God and His ideals.
For the last decade, what is frequently called “the left” has been culturally and politically Marxist. It is becoming a war on moral America. This deepened under the “outrageous tactics” of the lawless leadership of left-wing leaders over the past two decades.
“Consider: The Tenth Commandment condemns envy (‘Thou shalt not covet’), yet socialism, which Winston Churchill identified as ‘the gospel of envy,’ is based on it. Marxism is inherently atheistic because utopian government is a jealous god that countenances worship of no other (violating the First Commandment). It intentionally undermines the nuclear family (Fifth Commandment), has given us by far the greatest mass-murder in world history (Sixth Commandment), promotes adultery and every form of sexual immorality (Seventh Commandment), depends on stealing the fruits of others’ labor (Eighth Commandment), and can be implemented only with the aid of massive deception (Ninth Commandment).[10]
There are excellent reasons that those Judeo-Christian principles were singularly successful in the “laboratory of past world history.” They were, quite literally, “reflective of God’s mind and laws, encouraging the good side of human nature and restraining the bad.”
Concern for this nation’s moral tone surfaced in recent speeches by two Supreme Court Justices. Justice Thomas spoke at a conference of the U.S. Court of appeals for the eleventh Circuit Court while Justice Alito delivered a commencement address at the Franciscan University, Steubenville, Ohio. Both issued warnings about the state of affairs in America, especially with a dangerous decline of citizens’ “inalienable rights” through government overreach.[11]
Tyranny without Consequences
In Portland, Oregon, a criminal gang shoplifted bags full of merchandise. They had no fear of consequences. Common to many smash-and-grabbers, carjackers, those fighting on airlines while in flight, even deadly Saturday night shootouts has been the “assurance” that there will be no consequences because of precedent court decisions.
In 2020, 120 days of rioting, looting, and arson with massive property damage by Antifa gangs led to only a few indictments and no prison time.
The homeless take for granted that assumed social rules forbidding urination, defecation, fornication, and injecting on the sidewalks do not apply to them.
“Former FBI Director Andrew McCabe admittedly lied on four occasions to federal investigators, dealing with the Trump Russian coalition scandal apparently with the prescient expectation he would never be prosecuted.
“The same hubris was true of former CIA Director John Brennan who admittedly lied under oath to Congress – twice – with absolute impunity.
“The former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper not only lied under oath to Congress but crowed that he gave the “least untruthful” answer. He too faced zero consequences.
Why are athletes who resist vaccination barred from competing in the United States, while 6-7 million illegal immigrants were waved in without passports, vaccinations, or Covid tests?
The Biden administration will not consider cartels as international terrorists. Chinese purchase of lands near military bases are permitted. There is no attempt to block shipments of ingredients from China that are combined into fentanyl in Mexico.
“When our state and federal governments allow criminals and foreign nations to injure with impunity their own law-abiding citizens, is it any wonder the civilized world we once knew has vanished – replaced by the Hobbesian rule of the wild?”[12]
Fragmentation of Democratic Ideals
American liberties, culture, national greatness, and successful Judeo-Christian traditions are being subverted. One political party, the media, unelected bureaucrats, and spy agencies have become destructive forces. Many congressional laws permit unelected underling agency officials to administer its laws, including levying fines and creating criminal charges within the purview of administrative law.
Facing fall election time, David Prentice noted in April 2024: “Let me put this succinctly: We do not have much time. They will do anything to win, to keep their power. Lie, cheat, steal, run. It’s who they are.”[13] The power of citizenship is fragmenting.
George Washington, when faced with British oppression, said: “Our cruel and unrelenting Enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission; this is all we can expect – We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die: Our own Country’s Honor, all call upon us for a vigorous and manly exertion, and if we now shamefully fail, we shall become infamous to the whole world. Let us therefore rely upon the goodness of the Cause, and the aid of the supreme Being, in whose hands Victory is, to animate and encourage us to great and noble Actions – The Eyes of all our Countrymen are now upon us, and we shall have their blessings, and praises, if happily we are the instruments of saving them from the Tyranny meditated against them. Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and shew the whole world, that a Freeman contending for Liberty on his own ground is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.”[14]
Lest Americans forget:
- The Cultural Revolution in China, where Mao Zedong sought to centralize power, led to 40-80 million deaths.
- Such tyranny and violence are stalking America. Consider the terrible continued treatment of the J6 prisoners, the ongoing hatred for the Trump family and their followers, and the abhorrence by one party of Judeo-Christian ideals.
“By most measures, with one glaring exception, people around the world are better off than ever. So, why doesn’t it feel that way, especially to Americans?” Something has broken. What is it? “The state of democracy … is not improving.” There is an “emergency” in the air. Freedom is being restricted. Most important: heaven-promoted spiritual and social ideals are being stripped of cultural value.
“For seven decades, the number of countries considered democratic grew. The average quality of these democracies – the fairness of elections, the rule of law … – also improved steadily.
“That rise began to slow about 20 years ago, … beginning five or six years ago, researchers … found the number of democracies in the world shrunk for the first time since World War II.
“Existing democracies are also becoming less democratic, as well as more polarized and more prone to political dysfunction or outright breakdown.” This erosion of democratic ideals includes the United States.[15]
Government Overreach
In October 2023, New Mexico’s governor (Michelle L. Grisham), via an executive order, banned for 30 days the right to conceal or open carry a firearm in Bernalillo County. She made a proclamation that gun violence was a “public health emergency.” However:
- Firearms have been a lawful right for U.S. citizens.
- Gun violence has only been a problem in recent time.
- The governor never asked, “Why? What has changed?”
- A 30-day ban on an inanimate object without moral direction is bosh.
The second president of the United States, John Adams, said: “Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Liberties enshrined within this document require self-restraint. This quality has been inherent in the hearts of loyal Judeo-Christians.
- For the last six decades, the entertainment industry has promoted immediate gratification, self-absorption, greed, envy, violence, sexual promiscuity, and substance abuse.
- All these are the antithesis of self-restraint and Judeo-Christian values. Foremost, there is limited concern regarding consequences.
In the 15- to 24-year-old range, more than half of the cases of suicide, homicide, and sexually transmitted diseases are reported annually. Perpetrators of murder, robbery, mob looting, and sexual assaults are often released back onto the streets. Teachers debate on TikTok their right to share personal sexual preferences with their students. Student imaginations are being stimulated with immoral thinking and emotions.
- As self-restraint is diminished, government control increases – but shamelessly misguided.
- The outcome: force, chaos, restricted liberties with little moral improvement.[16]
God of this Age
The evil that is infiltrating America coincides with the declining number of people who say that religion is important to them (62% concurred 25 years ago, today 39%). The source of cultural evil is Satan, the devil (I Peter 5:8). Jesus declared that he was a “murderer from the beginning” and the “father of lies” (John 8:44). In his wake, heartache, devastation, and death follow.
John wrote: “The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (I John 5:19). Paul wrote that he was even “the god of this age” (II Corinthians 4:4), Jesus said he was really “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31).
For the faithful: “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (I John 4:4). “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Our personal hope, if we use it.
Politics of Suppression
Dennis Prager of Prager University addressed a young man’s question: “How is one supposed to figure out who is telling the truth and who isn’t?” His answer:
- With rare exception, the party that calls for censorship is lying.
- The Left is constantly shutting down dissent.
A harsh reality:
“The left-wing California State Assembly passed a bill in 2022, signed into law by California’s left-wing governor [Newsom] and [later] approved by the state’s left-wing medical establishment, that any California physician who spreads medical ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ could lose his or her medical license.
“Why was this law passed? Was there, for the first time in California history, some outbreak of doctors ‘misinforming’ their patients about medical matters, thereby causing them harm?
“Of course not, Prager said.
“The law was passed to stifle all medical dissent on issues related to COVID-19. Even though, under mounting legal pressure, California finally repealed the law in October 2023, while it was in effect, any physicians who suggested that patients in early stages of COVID-19 might benefit from taking hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin (both along with zinc) could lose their medical licenses…. many reputable doctors around the world believe they are indeed effective – these drugs are among the safest medications in the world. Both are on the World Health Organization’s list of the most essential drugs in world. There was no scientific or moral justification for threatening the licenses of doctors who prescribed them for COVID-19.
“There are, however, two primary explanations for the medical establishment’s ban on doctors prescribing or merely speaking well of these two therapeutics. One is that former President Donald Trump promoted hydroxychloroquine as a potential lifesaver, and if he promoted anything, the left opposed it – even if it could save lives. The other is that if these therapeutics were acknowledged to work, the vaccinations would be rendered largely unnecessary, and Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson would lose a great deal of money. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health and state medical boards [are in sympathy with] … Big Pharma.”[17]
The “stock in trade” of the globalist is deception, gaslighting, projection, defamation, suppression, and revolutionary levels of disinformation. The World Economic Forum is the organizational umbrella under which power-obsessed globalists conspire to subjugate every nation on earth.
In their annual meeting of top representatives from government, universities, and non-profit organizations January 15-19, 2024, they concluded that the top concern of the global business community over the next two years was not conflict or climate [amazing] but disinformation and misinformation.
This announces a drive to unite fascism and Marxism as a global force to suppress information, save for what promotes the globalist agenda – screened by a few elites.[18]
As might be expected, patriotism is declining according to the National Opinion Research Center. Concomitantly, the desire to start a family has plummeted from 43% to 30% within the past four years (2020-2023). These hint of a weakened America!
- The deterioration of faith in God, persecution of conservatives, and suppression of free speech has long been a communist goal.
- Atheistic Marxists want to even kill belief in the supernatural and destroy the Biblical knowledge of God.
Neo-Marxists invaded the cultural philosophy after World War II, promoting total freedom that defied Christian principles. Then, within a decade and a half, came cultural Marxism that promoted sexual liberation.
“German neo-Marxist Herbert Marcuse, often referred to as the father of the student revolutions in the 1960’s, developed the concept of how to suppress conservative speech in the public sphere. Marcuse taught at Columbia University, Harvard and the University of California, San Diego, fiercely infusing the Marxist revolt against God and traditional values into his students. The idea was that a new definition of freedom and liberty would come into being, replacing the original, biblically based versions of these ideals.
“In his notorious article, ‘Repressive tolerance,’ Marcuse advocated for the need to create a system that oppressed the opinions of the conservative, traditional majority. He suggested that ‘the practice of discriminating tolerance, shifting the balance between Right and Left by restraining the liberty of the Right,’ was the method that would turn the tables for the Marxists who put their religion-hating agenda in society’s forefront. The Marxists were cunningly defined as ‘the oppressed,’ while the unified, patriotic, God-fearing Americans were defined as ‘the oppressors.’ This deceptive strategy has worked almost to perfection.”[19]
Technology Invades Liberty
The technology that brought free speech around the world has gradually morphed over the past decade to one of censorship and oppression of citizens and organizations.
- Initially, Google began as a Defense Advanced Research Project Agency through federal grants. Then they became a military contractor. Then a brilliant purchase of CIA satellite software gave them the ability to track people and their speech.
- In 2014 the coup in Ukraine led to a global attraction for the use of technology tools. The nature of the military, even war, could change. Then the idea: If one could control the social and regular media, then elections and attitudes could be manipulated.
The first federal censorship operation, called the “Global Engagement Center,” was birthed by the State Department. They developed a new computer communication system called the National Language Processing System.
- The State Department started an international “road show” to pressure governments, especially those in Europe, to promote censorship laws. All with global monitoring as the dream and objective.
- The Atlantic Council (a unit of the United Nations), one of Biden’s strongest political backers, gave it support. Fascinating – that agency currently has seven former CIA directors on its board.
The birth of defining societal “hate speech” has followed. This has become an unwelcome invasion into democracy. The will of the people became the will of centralized “think tanks.” The State Department recommended that the word “democracy” be changed from the “will of the people” to the “sanctity of democratic institutions.” Who were these power brokers? Under Biden, his “new” military, the IMF, NATO, and the World Bank. Monitoring of right-wing Christian groups was initiated.
Pastor Franklin Graham noted recently that it is increasingly evident that “an anti-Christ spirit … [is] in the world today.” He said that there has been a rise in antisemitism in recent months and a spirit against Christians, aimed especially at those who are conservative.
- He explained what Christ said in John 15:18: “If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you.”
- Fox News reported the 2023 statistics from the Family Research Council that there were 436 “hostile incidents” against churches in America. These included vandalism (the most common), gun-related incidents, arson, and bomb threats.
What is happening? President Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council notes that “the hostility toward Christians displayed by the Biden administration is mirrored by the growing persecution against Christians worldwide.’”
According to Perkins, “There is a common connection between the growing religious persecution abroad and the rapidly increasing hostility toward churches here at home [through] our government’s [manipulative and monitoring] policies. The indifference abroad to the fundamental freedom of religion is rivaled only by the increasing antagonism toward the moral absolutes taught by Bible-believing churches here in the U.S., which is fomenting this environment of hostility toward churches.”[20]
Rick Stengil was a self-described propagandist for President Obama’s government and functioned as the liaison between the State Department and the media. He wrote a book on how this activity worked. He said that the U.S. Constitution was not prepared for the internet. He strongly expressed that we need to get rid of the First Amendment!
- Then the State Department’s Global Engagement Center stepped up its censorship operation. This is a fearsome agency, capable of uncovering private plans and lifestyles.
- When Trump won the presidency, this left-wing State Department began to pressure European governments to censor right-wing groups in the United States. How sinister to minimize detection!
The Atlantic Council now bills itself as “NATO’s think tank.” The growing power of this agency? Mimic European censorship laws. Target – “hate speech” used by U.S. agencies and individuals, according to how they define it. This organization has now politically weaponized much of the internet, and it can scan millions of entries and delete them with only a few lines of code.[21]
Silencing of Voices – America Set to Fail
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”[22]
Not long after President Biden took the presidential reign of power, it became obvious that officials of big tech companies were being forced to censor true information. The Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government of the U.S. House of Representatives began a probe of the Biden White House.
“This interim report detail[ed] the monthslong campaign by the Biden White House to coerce large companies, namely Meta (parent company of Facebook), Alphabet (parent company of YouTube), and Amazon, to censor books, videos, posts, and other content online. By the end of 2021, Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon changed their content moderation policies in ways that were directly responsive to criticism from the Biden Administration.
“While the Biden White House’s pressure campaign largely succeeded, its effects were devastating. By suppressing free speech and intentionally distorting public debate in the modern town square, ideas and policies were no longer fairly tested and debated on their merits. Instead, policymakers implemented a series of public health [during the Covid pandemic] measures that proved to be disastrous for the country. From unnecessary extended school closures to unconstitutional vaccine mandates that forced workers to take a newly developed vaccine or risk losing their jobs, the Biden Administration and other officials needlessly imposed harm and suffering on Americans across the country.”[23] Without scientific data!
Amazon was even forced to remove books that criticized the Biden administration.
The committee concluded that the Biden White House was conducting unconstitutional activity, and they were weaponizing the federal government to do so. The First Amendment was being undermined. Will there be formal charges, sentencing, and punishment for this? Not unless there is a vast restructuring of the federal system. An irreversible trajectory appears to have been set in motion against freedom of speech.
Something prophetically familiar from the earth beast’s tyrannical power is rising out of the earth.
Franklin S. Fowler, Jr., M.D.
Prophecy Research Initiative – non-profit 501(c)3 © 2024
EndTime Issues…, Number 284, July 4, 2024
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[2] https://wutangcorp.com/forum/showthread.php?70040-joe-biden-quot-how-i-came-to-love-the-new-world-order-quot
[3] Kupelian, David; Whistleblower, editorial, “Can American Be Saved?” December 2023, pp. 4-7.
[5] Ibid.
[6] https://www.charismanews.com/opinion/heres-the-deal/larry-tomczak-is-this-the-final-battle-for-america/
[7] https://blogs.loc.gov/manuscripts/2022/01/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it-elizabeth-willing-powel-benjamin-franklin-and-the-james-mchenry-journal/
[9] https://biblebased.wordpress.com/2015/04/02/the-five-reasons-for-the-collapse-of-the-roman-empire-by-edward-gibbon/
[10] Kupelian, David; Whistleblower, “How to save your country,” December 2023, pp. 14-21.
[11] https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/supreme-court-justices-thomas-and-alito-issue-warnings-about-state-of-america-5648293
[13] https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/04/time_is_running_out_to_save_western_civilization.html
[14] https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/136607-our-cruel-and-unrelenting-enemy-leaves-us-no-choice-but
[15] https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/16/world/americas/democracy-decline-worldwide.html
[17] Prager, Dennis; Whistleblower, “Leftists always suppress dissent because they have to,” April 2024, pp. 10-11.
[18] Cohen, Jason; Whistleblower, “Surprise? Global Elites set their sights on a new Target,” April 2024; pp. 12-15.
[19] Herland, Hanne Nabintu; Whistleblower, “America is splitting at the seams thanks to the neo-Marxists,” April 2024, pp. 28-29.
[20] Unruh, Bob; Whistleblower, April 2024, pp. 46-47.
[21] Tucker Carlson interview with Mike Benz, executive director of the Foundation for Freedom Online.