EndTime Issues ...

Why We're Getting Close to Christ's Coming


Identifying "The" Antichrist
Time for a Convicting Sign
Harbinger: "The Antichrist"

Christianity Under Siege
The Final Battle Between Two Apostate Powers - Part 1 (update)
The Final Battle Between Two Apostate Powers - Part 2 (update)
The Final Battle Between Two Apostate Powers - Part 3 (update)
Final Battle Between Two Apostate Powers - Part 1
Final Battle Between Two Apostate Powers - Part 2
Times of Tribulation
Deception on the Prowl
"Evening" and "Morning"
The Sequel to "Evening" and "Morning"
The "Daily" - Another Look
The Three-Phased Beast Prophecies of Revelation
Final Conclave as Benedict Resigns
Daniel 7 - Troubling Activity of that Little Horn - Part 4 (to be revised)
   Appendix I - New World Order
Matthew 24-25 - Part 4 - The "Time of the End" Begins with the "Abomination"
     Appendix I - The "Daily" - Another Look
Revelation 12 - Part 3 - The Devil's Frenzied Hatred
Revelation 12 - Part 4 - When Satan Loses Again

Daniel 7 - Wielding Power 3-1/2 Years - Part 5 (to be revised)
   Appendix I - New World Order
   Appendix II - Geopolitical Prophecy - Ten Horns to be Crowned
   Appendix III - Statements by the Catholic Church about Changing One of God’s Laws
   Appendix IV - Year-Day Principle

Earth Beast with Lamb-like Horns (PPT)
Two Comings - One Rapture
Final World Disorder
The Antichrist "Little Horn"

Prophetic "Faces" of the Antichrist
Final Years of the Antichrist (Part 1)
Final Years of the Antichrist (Part 2)
Final Years of the Antichrist (Part 3)
A Tyrant - Claiming to be Religious!
How long, O Lord, how long?
12 Phases toward Sunday Laws
Minions of the Dragon

Daniel 12 and E. G. White
Morphing into Tyranny