EndTime Issues ...

Why We're Getting Close to Christ's Coming

Prophecy - Revelation

Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 1 - The "Mighty" Angel Arrives
Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 2 - Announcing When the End Comes (Revelation 10:4-11)
Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 3 - Judgment and Witnesses (Revelation 11:1-3)
Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 4 - Prophesying Again - The Gospel's Final Call (Revelation 11:4-7)
Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 5 - Delivered from Hatred
Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 6 - God's Justice and His Mercy
Revelation 10 and 11 - Part 7 - Happening Soon

Revelation 12 - Part 1 - An Elevated View of the "Woman"
Revelation 12 - Part 2 - The Dragon Deceiver
Revelation 12 - Part 3 - The Devil's Frenzied Hatred
Revelation 12 - Part 4 - When Satan Loses Again

"Angel" of Light
A Final Rise in Papal Power
Collusion of Powers

Scripture's Most Important Time Prophecies - Part 1
Scripture's Most Important Time Prophecies - Part 2
Scripture's Most Important Time Prophecies - Part 3

   Appendix I - An E. G. White Study of Daniel 12
   Appendix II - Stunning Messages in Christ's Command to "Flee"
   Appendix III-A - The "Daily" - Ha Tamid
   Appendix  III-B - The "Daily" -  Ha Tamid - Exegesis
   Appendix IV - Abomination Associated with Desolation
   Appendix V - The Importance of the Hebrew Word Yom (Day) (Hemera - G) in Prophecy
   Appendix VI - Year-Day Principle - An Aging Concept?
   Appendix VII - The Tarrying Time

Eschatology of Revelation Five [Harry Robinson]
Geopolitical Prophecy - Ten Horns Soon to be Crowned
The Historicist Method of Prophetic Interpretation - Its Validity and Limitation [Hans K. LaRondelle, Th.D.]
Seal, Sealing and Sealed
The Scroll of Revelation Five [Major Bryan Cantor and Franklin S. Fowler Jr., M.D.]
Wrath of God - Introductory Issues
The "Inauguration of Jesus" or End-Time Throne Room Scene?
Four Living Creatures - A Metaphor for the Last Generation
Emerging Geopolitical Religious Forces
Papal Interest in Geopolitical Power
The Three-Phased Beast Prophecies of Revelation
Final Conclave as Benedict Resigns
Identifying the Earth Beast
The Gospel of Wrath
"The Hour of Temptation"
Deception on the Prowl
Pope Francis and September 2015
"Living Creatures" - Apocalyptic Keys

Time for a Convicting Sign
Daniel 7 - Wielding Power 3-1/2 Years - Part 5 (to be revised)
   Appendix I - New World Order
   Appendix II - Geopolitical Prophecy - Ten Horns to be Crowned
   Appendix III - Statements by the Catholic Church about Changing One of God’s Laws
   Appendix IV - Year-Day Principle

Daniel 7 - The Final judgment - Part 6 (to be revised)
Revelation 12 book preliminary - Part 1
Revela tion 12 book prel iminary - Part 2
Revela tion 12 book prel iminary - Part 3

America - On a Suicide Watch
"Day and Hour" - Time Restriction?
An Urgent Perspective
Receding Time to Prepare
The "Cut" Stone (Daniel 2)
Saga of the Edible Scrolls - Part 1
Saga of the Edible Scrolls - Part 2

The Barley Harvest - The 144,000
Gog and Magog
God's Doom or Glory
Jesus Introduces Two Apocalyptic "Interludes"
Matthew 24-25 - Part 4 - The "Time of the End" Begins with the "Abomination"
     Appendix I - "The Daily" - Ha Tamid

The "Nature" of the Apocalypse
Daniel 9 - Part 4 - The Beginning Point for the 490 Years
   Appendix II - The Decree to Restore and Build
   Appendix III - The Kings - The Decrees - The Prophecies
   Appendix IV - Sabbatical Year - The Shimeta
Daniel 9 - Part 5 - The Timing Blocks of Daniel 9
   Appendix I - Tarrying Time
Earth Beast with Lamb-like Horns (PPT)
The Judgment of the Living - Part 1
Rome and the New World Order
Prophetic Horns - Their Glory and Their Curse
"One Generation" - Approximately Forty Years
Drama of the Sixth Seal

Geopolitical Coalitions Strengthen
Prophetic "Faces" of the Antichrist
The Great Reset
America - Where are you going?
Drama of Revelation's Sixths and Sevenths
"Mass Formation" - Population Hypnosis
Detonation of America's Greatness
"Mass Formation" - Population Hypnosis
He Hates This Woman
Morphing into Tyranny